ホーム 新マガジン記事 特集: 持続可能な未来を考える Think about Sustainability -PLASTIC FREE CAMBODIA-


持続可能な未来を考える Think about Sustainability -PLASTIC FREE CAMBODIA-

[取材・文・写真・制作] 谷岡 郁子


Mulberry Boutique Hotel / マルベリー・ブティック・ホテル


This hotel is a boutique hotel with a homey atmosphere. The cozy atmosphere promises a relaxing stay. This is a place where active efforts are being made for plastic-free. One of the problems of plastic garbage in Cambodia is due to the large number of single-use plastics. They are steadily promoting new initiatives with the goal of reducing the single-use plastic used in hotels by 100%. Because everything is for a pleasant future, their approach for plastic-free is pleasant that conveys an atmosphere that guests and staff can enjoy this activity.


 During staying here, guests can experience a plastic-free life and know the value. Laundry bags are made of cotton, and eco-bags are provided to guests for shopping without plastic-bag. Drinking water is a refill bottle provided by the hotel and can be supplied at any time at the water station in the city as well as in the hotel. We believe it is important to make guests happy with these services and to make guests to recognize that environmental activities as one of the factors in choosing a hotel. Today, the majority of bookings come from guests who know these activities and choose a hotel for that reason.


Staying at a hotel that uses eco-friendly amenities means that staying in the hotel will be part of the activities that protect the environment.


 ホテルで使用するプラスティックを減らすことは勿論の事、日々ホテルで働くスタッフへ、どうしてプラスティックを減らす必要があるかを理解できるよう教育も進めている。実際に大勢のホテルスタッフが出すプラスティックゴミも大きな割合となる。ここでは、働くスタッフ全員にPFSEA(Plastic Free Southeast Asia)が提供するワークショップを受けてもらい、活動に関しての理解を進めている。

 In addition to reducing the single-use plastic waste at hotels, they are also educating staff working at hotels to understand why they need to reduce plastics. Here, all working staff have joined workshops provided by PFSEA (Plastic Free Southeast Asia) to understand about plastic-free activities.


 They actively participate in community cleaning and tree planting activities not only around the hotel. They call these cleaning activities “social responsibility”.

———- Hotel Data ———-
Mulberry Boutique Hotel
ADD : Phum Steng Tmey, Preah Sangreach Tep Vong St, Siem Reap
TEL : +855-(0)63-968-283
E-MAIL : info@mulberry-boutiquehotel.com
WEB : www.mulberry-boutiquehotel.com

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素敵なカンボジアに出会う小旅行へ―The trip to encounters unknown cambodia